So, I have this love for flip flops. I live in New England and the weather doesn't always agree with this foot wear year round. But I try to push the limit and get away with the foot wear as long as I can. Nothing like flip flops and a sweatshirt! This is one of the many reasons why I love vacations to the Caribbean and the time I lived in San Diego. Flip flops in the middle of winter, yes please! What is your favorite style below?
I have said this to my friends or family one time or another….I have this dress I don’t wear, this outfit I need shoes for, these pants I can’t fit in, etc. This blog is a way to complete the look or tell a story that goes with it. Currently, I am a stay-at-home-aunt and I need a hobby turned business to help out. This is dedicated to my sister; she is missed and always loved even though she is in heaven. “He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17